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How do I cancel my account?
On iPhone simply head to the bottom of the menu and delete your account. On Android, please send our support a message and they will delete it for you. E-mails from Angelchat are cancelled by unsubscribing at the bottom of an e-mail. Premium is terminated on App Store (your image and then subscriptions) or Google Play.
Can I lock the app for other users?
Yes, you can. On an iPhone go to Settings/Screen time and set a code for screen time. Tap App Limits, tap Add Limit and enter your code, tap Social select Angelchat and set a limit on e.g. 1 minute. Now, you’ll need to enter the pin each time you open Angelchat. On an Android phone we recommend that you install an app from SuperTools called AppLock, which allows you to set passwords on specific apps in your phone.
Can I hide previews in notifications?
Yes, you can. On an iPhone you can hide preview in Settings/Notifications/Angelchat/Preview. Set on Never if you don’t want the notification to show a preview. It will only read Notification and you have to click to read it. On an Android you go to Settings/Apps & Notifications/Notifications on the lock screen and select “Hide sensitive content”.
How do I configure notifications?
On an iPhone, you can easily set notifications in the menu on the left. We recommend that you always allow them so you don’t miss important messages. If you have an Android phone, do this: (1) hold the app icon until a list appears, (2) press app info, (3) check that notifications are allowed. Reinstall the app if it doesn’t work.
Can I limit the number of chats?
Yes, you can. Go to Angel settings (in the top-left menu) where you can deactivate one or several areas. Your profile won’t be displayed in the search results until you activate an area again.
How do I edit my profile?
To edit your matching profile tap Build Match or Connect Now to activate or deactivate the things you want to change. Bio, avatar and username can be edited in the menu to the left.
What if the connection doesn’t respond?
If the person you’ve connected with doesn’t respond within a reasonable time frame we recommend that you remove the chat to open up for others. Some users go all the way to select an angel despite not being ready to chat so don’t take it personally and just move on.
What if I can’t help?
Be honest about how you feel and explain why. Try to find another way forward together.
What if a teen requires help from adults?
Try to get the underage person to talk with the parents or someone at school. If that doesn’t work you can refer the person to an online counseling service like Teen Counseling where a licensed therapist can provide a way forward.
What if I lack experience?
Be honest if you lack experience from the particular area that the person is seeking help within. Say that you lack experience, but can listen and that it’s ok to seek another angel without hurting your feelings. Avoid claims that you understand anyhow.
How do I treat someone who claims to be suicidal?
It’s not your responsibility as angel to save somebody from committing suicide. Angelchat is an app for emotional support, not emergencies. Be honest with the fact that you can’t help and refer the person to EMERGENCY HELP in the left meny, where we’ve posted contact information to organizations focusing on preventing suicide. However, treat the person with respect and show that you care, e.g. “That sounds tough. I understand you’re desperate.” Be yourself, use your common sense and avoid giving practical advice. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have questions.
How do I best help someone as angel?
Loneliness is considered to be the #1 threat to mental health worldwide. Just by being there and providing unconditional support you offer something valuable. Try to break the ice and get things going while showing genuine interest and building trust. It’s always good to ask questions and follow up on the answers so that you truly get to know and understand your chat friend, like you would anyone in real life. Then go ahead and share your life story, challenges you’ve overcome, how you got back on your feet and how you cope with life today. Be attentive and instill hope as a fellow human being, with your valuable experiences to share. When you feel ready to take the next step we recommend that you make use of our guides, as they will help you establish a valuable path of progression with your chat friend.
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